In families affected by a rare disease, the health problems of their children are often not the only ones faced by their parents. A rare disease can also represent serious financial difficulties for a family. Medical treatment, therapies, medication and medical aids are not always paid for by the health insurance or the AI. If this is the case, the Association de soutien aux enfants atteints de maladies rares can make up for the financial shortfall suffered by the families concerned. These families will be able to submit a request for assistance, which will be examined by an independent authority. In the event of a favorable decision, the association provides rapid assistance in the simplest possible way, the usefulness of which is proven.
We invite the families concerned to observe the following rules:
Étape 1
Read the directives relatives au soutien financier pour déterminer si votre demande de soutien répond à nos critères d'octroi d'un soutien financier.
Étape 2
Remplissez soigneusement le formulaire adéquat sur ordinateur:
- Demands de soutien à des enfants concernés, leurs familles et leurs proches
Étape 3
Transmettez-nous les documents suivants par courriel à l'adresse info@kmsk.ch:
- Demande de soutien
- Extrait fiscal
- Attestation de la pathologie par le médecin compétent
- Devis pour la prestation sollicitée (le cas échéant)
- Notification du refus de prise en charge par l'AI, la caisse-maladie
ou l'assurance
Ne nous envoyez pas votre demande par la poste parce que différentes personnes doivent examiner vos documents, ce qui n'est possible que par voie électronique.
Étape 4
We will inform you in writing at an appropriate time of the decision on your request for assistance. Please note that this procedure may take some time. If a request is refused, it may be rejected without giving reasons.
If you have any questions about requests for support, please do not hesitate to contact Manuela Stier, director of the KMSK association, by e-mail.
The granting of financial support is governed by the regulations and criteria set out in the guidelines relating to financial support and the organizational regulations. The data received will be treated confidentially.